public static class SqlCeUpgrade{ public static void EnsureVersion40(this System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine engine, string filename) { SQLCEVersion fileversion = DetermineVersion(filename); if (fileversion == SQLCEVersion.SQLCE20) throw new ApplicationException("Unable to upgrade from 2.0 to 4.0"); if (SQLCEVersion.SQLCE40 > fileversion) { engine.Upgrade(); } } private enum SQLCEVersion { SQLCE20 = 0, SQLCE30 = 1, SQLCE35 = 2, SQLCE40 = 3 } private static SQLCEVersion DetermineVersion(string filename) { var versionDictionary = new Dictionary<int, SQLCEVersion> { { 0x73616261, SQLCEVersion.SQLCE20 }, { 0x002dd714, SQLCEVersion.SQLCE30}, { 0x00357b9d, SQLCEVersion.SQLCE35}, { 0x003d0900, SQLCEVersion.SQLCE40} }; int versionLONGWORD = 0; try { using (var fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)) { fs.Seek(16, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs)) { versionLONGWORD = reader.ReadInt32(); } } } catch { throw; } if (versionDictionary.ContainsKey(versionLONGWORD)) { return versionDictionary[versionLONGWORD]; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to determine database file version"); } } }
Sample usage:
string filename = @"C:\Data\SQLCE\Northwind31.sdf"; var engine = new System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine("Data Source=" + filename); engine.EnsureVersion40(filename);
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